Technical Support for issues involving Regulatory Compliance (Regulatory Compliance means all regulations related to IMO Class Rules and Conventions (SOLAS, MODU, MARPOL, LOADLINE, STCW CODE, ISM CODE, MLC-2006 and etc. ..):·      Technical Support for issues involving Regulatory Compliance (Regulatory Compliance means all regulations related to IMO Class Rules and Conventions (SOLAS, MODU, MARPOL, LOADLINE, STCW CODE, ISM CODE, MLC-2006 and etc. ..):

    – Support in the new and existing Class Rules/Flag States application, interpretation and clarification regarding the company’s ships and maritime units;

    – Gap Analysis of conversion and modification projects for vessels and maritime units of the Company, according to a specific bid, under the perspective of the Class / Flag State Rules;

– Interface with the Class / Flag State of the ship / maritime units on matters pertinent to the application of related rules / procedures, as well as the correct implementation in ships and on-shore company quality systems. The interface comprises direct communication with the ship’s Class / Flag State representatives, subject to prior authorization of company representative and due attendance in case of meetings held at the company’s headquarters, ships or Class / Flag State office. , on a specific predetermined subject;

– Support in the preparation of corrective actions imposed on Company and ship / maritime units due to the advent of ISM Audits and Class / State Flag Surveys;

– Support on preparation and implementation of company’s internal processes and procedures originated to fulfill a requirement or result from Audits / Class / Flag State Inspections;

– Support in carrying out Audits / Surveys to be carried out in sub-contracted firms that perform services enrolled in Class /Flag State requirements;

– Support for operational team and offshore teams in matters pertinent to Regulatory Compliance, as above described;

– Technical solutions for fleet management problems, using the integration of Regulatory Compliance with ISM Code and NORMAM 13 / STCW Code;

– ISM / ISPS, MLC-2006 and ISO 9001-2008 internal audits;

– Consultancy for operating contracts compliance in accordance with Regulatory Compliance;

– Class and Statutory requirements specialized internal / external training for MOU and MODU units (Class Rules, SOLAS, MODU, MARPOL, EDGE-FREE and etc …);

– Repair plains and procedures evaluation detailing on ships and MOU & MODU units in operation;

– Consulting and training support for MLC-2006 implementation;

– Consulting and training support for Cyber Security implementing (new ISM Code requirements).

·      Surveys and inspections on board vessels / marine units in operation, including: pre-purchase surveys, condition surveys (Class / Statutory / PSC / Flag State / GINSP) and damage surveys;

·      Damages and accidents root cause analysis for ships and MOU & MODU units in operation;

·      Repair planning, evaluation and instructions detailing for ships and MOU & MODU units in operation;

·      Technical specifications development for ship/offshore units repairs;

·      Consultancy for budget planning and monitoring, maintenance, dry-docking and repairs on ships and MOU & MODU units in operation;

·      New construction of ships and MOU & MODU units monitoring;

·      Management consultancy on meeting the class and statutory requirements (IMO) for new projects or existing MOU & MODU ships / units that need to carry out modifications regarding their service specialization, in order to comply with the operation contract.


– Development of preparation procedures for planning and executing repairs and docking in repair yards, with an emphasis on preparing docking / repairs to minimize the risks of additional work that could compromise the budget and time initially made available by the company’s financial and commercial management;

– Development of procedures for tasks and responsibilities distribution among the technical team to assist with docking / repairs in shipyards, involving the ship’s crew in the team, according to the duties and responsibilities as defined in NORMAM 13;

– Development of procedures for the preparation of detailed repair specifications by the technical development team;

– Development of parameters for jobs selection that will be included in the repair specification, according to the maintenance and repair information sent by the ship’s personnel, recommendations and inspections due during the docking / repair period included in the ship’s Class Statusç

– Development of repair items preventive / mandatory actions that must be carried out in order not to compromise the efficiency of the next operational period until the next docking and a possible execution of preventive maintenance works based on equipment issues history and engine failures that caused downtime on the vessel operation or on other ships of the Company (in accordance with the feasibility of resources and repair / docking time provided by the company’s financial and commercial management for a specific vessel);

– Acceptance processes and parameters determination for jobs that will be carried out in a maintenance and repair works in shipyards, by the attendant technical team;

– Dry-dockings repairs critical analysis procedures development of results obtained in order to allow a constant continuous improvement in the efficiency of the future docking / repair results in the company’s fleet;

– Critical analysis development and training of jobs preparation and prior planning of the work together with the representatives of the shipyard, before the ship’s arrival at the shipyard;

– Training of the technical team responsible for critical analysis in planning and monitoring of docks / repairs, identifying the critical paths, for each work, in time and resources made available by the financial / commercial company’s department;

– Training in daily basis work monitoring, focusing on the time and resources parameters defined by the financial / commercial company’s department with preparation of simple and concise daily reports for Company staff monitoring in real time;

– Training in estimating the budget of additional repair items for discussions with representatives of the repair yard.

Curriculum Vitae

Naval Architect and Marine Engineer Paulo Fonseca


Ship Repairs Yard – Part 1

Ship Repairs Yard – Part 2

Ship Repairs Yard – Part 3

Ship Repairs Yard – Part 4